Monday, February 21, 2011

tracking personal finances

ReadyForZero is one of the simplest and easiest-to-use tools that can help you build a plan to eliminate your credit card debt. Once you sign up for a free account, prove your identity by supplying your mailing address and last four digits of your social security number. ReadyForZero than pulls how much you owe to all your credit card companies combined and lets you link your credit card accounts to pull exact details.

The tool than shows you how much time and interest it would take to pay off your cards if you keep making minimum payments. Click on “Let’s improve this” and the tool will show you various options. You can pick the monthly amount you are willing to spend or your target date to get rid of debt and ReadyForZero will display details based on this new plan. Once finalized, you can keep track of your progress and see how much more money/time is needed for payoff.


  • Create a plan to pay off credit card debt.
  • Link your credit cards and explore different options.
  • Track your progress or adjust plan.
  • Similar tools: Creditable, Mint, Paystr, Accpal and TripLittle.

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In December, after building a business on the side that could more than sustain me, I quit my corporate job and shifted exclusively to writing and developing my own online projects. I’ve been tracking my discoveries working for no boss other than myself in a series called “Life After Salary“.

The path I chose may not be for you. But the concept of being the CFO of your own life applies to everyone. You have to make choices if you want to live your life a certain way rather than let life happen to you. The best way to describe this feeling of awakening is to compare it with the moment in the film The Matrix where Neo, the “One,” can at last see the Matrix for what it is, and realizes he can control his environment.

You are in control of your life, even if you work for someone else. You choose whether to get out of bed in the morning, understanding the consequences if you don’t. You decide whether to take on the assignment your boss gives you. You either choose to be happy or not — every second of every day.

With my recent shift to self-employment, I discovered yet another level of control necessary to better reach my long-term goals, both financial and non-financial.

How to Be the CEO of Your Own Life

In business, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for guiding a company towards its mission, vision, and goals. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) ensures the company manages its finances properly in order to reach those goals. In the business world, the CFO answers to the CEO. But in your own life, you need to play both roles.

Here’s how to operate as the CEO of your own life:

  • Take ownership. Sometimes people need to hit bottom before realizing they need to take control of their situation. But rock bottom isn’t a pretty place. Don’t wait for it. Start attributing your success and failures to the decisions you make (or don’t make), and you’ll see that there’s no need to let others control your life. When you’ve decided to stop taking orders from the world, to stop waiting for someone else to make your decisions, you’ll be promoting yourself from administrative assistant to boss.

  • Set goals. I like to set lofty non-financial goals to give my life direction. Dry financial goals are vacuous. What’s the point of having a goal of retiring at age 45 with $2 million in the bank? What will you do when you no longer have any work to keep you busy all day? Focus on the person you want to be, and what you would like your New York Times obituary to say — then you can figure out what your finances need to be in order to get there.

  • Track your finances. You know your destination, but you can’t set your course yet because you don’t know where you are. Know where you stand (your net worth) and your velocity (your income and expenses over time) so you can determine the right path for you. This requires some tools, whether software like Quicken or a pencil and pad.

  • Recruit a positive environment. Build a support team. I did this by creating a blog, but if you’re more normal, you may wish to share your goals with friends and family while keeping the gory details private. Escape the negative attitudes around you. “Negative energy” sounds a little new-agey, but there’s truth to the idea that people who bring you down emotionally will eventually become an obstacle to reaching your goals.

  • Make your own choices. Don’t wait for other people to tell you what to do. The worst thing that can happen is you refuse to make a choice because you don’t know if it’s perfectly correct — as J.D. has said, the perfect is the enemy of the good. Arm yourself with the best information you can find from sites like Get Rich Slowly, Consumerism Commentary, and other sources that work for you, as well as what you’ve learned from tracking your finances. Gather the essential tools like a great savings account and a low-cost broker like Vanguard, and learn how to use them.

  • Don’t let other things get in the way. CEOs and CFOs of large companies are focused on their responsibilities, and delegate all but the highest level of decisions. You don’t have the luxury to delegate, so don’t get distracted by anything that pulls you away from your mission. (But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun; life is short, and you need to live it now.)

For every CEO or CFO that’s involved with a financial scandal, there are dozens who do great things for their organizations, build a company up from nothing, and make a difference in the world.

There was a time in my life when I wasn’t making any difference for myself, for my future. My finances suffered, my attitude suffered, and I was headed for imminent disaster. Now, I call the shots — all of them. I still have a lot of work to do and more to learn, but now I’m motivated by the idea that whether I succeed or fail, it’s only the choices that I make that lead me to that point.

When you’re the captain of your cruise ship and have the information and tools you need, you have the power to safely navigate through even the worst storms.

Cloud photo by joiseyshowaa.

N. Africa, Mideast protests – Arab League to hold summit on Libya <b>...</b>

Across the Middle East and North Africa, CNN's reporters and iReporters are covering protests, many of them inspired by revolts in Tunisia and Egypt that toppled those countries' longtime rulers. Check out our story explaining the roots ...

Katie Couric&#39;s &#39;CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Contract Renegotiations May Lead to Pay <b>...</b>

Weak ratings and a changing of the guard at the nightly program may affect the anchor's eight-figure annual salary.

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I wonder how much difference the Irish News having a paywall makes? I simply can no longer imagine paying for a daily paper (any paper) but for those who can't do without their weekly dose of Brian Feeney, then it's the only option. ...

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2010_01_02_to_06_0040 by Vikram Chadaga

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Online Money Making Opportunities

In my senior year I made a drastic decision, dropping out of my double major of Journalism and Writing Intensive English, quitting my job on the school newspaper, and deciding to not go to grad school the next fall. I needed something different. Something that made me excited, instead of making me dread the next step in my life.

My parents were less than thrilled with my decision. I had such a promising path! How could I just give up on everything I’ve worked for?! Like everyone else in my family, they didn’t understand why I started applying for Teach for America and researching programs for teaching English overseas.  They were constantly questioning me (“What are you going to do once you graduate?” and “What are you going to be when you grow up?”) but I honestly had no idea and I didn’t want to jump into a graduate program and spend all that time and money when I couldn’t answer those most basic questions.

So I researched. And researched some more. And along the way, I started reading blogs about volunteering after college and found myself intrigued. Volunteering was something I did infrequently in college and when I did, it was either for a class I was taking or part of my job. So I took the plunge and became an AmeriCorps*VISTA when I graduated in May.

I had a cousin who did AmeriCorps*VISTA several years ago and he suggested that I look into it.  When I started my research I felt a connection to what VISTA stands for: Volunteers In Service To America.  VISTAs are different from other volunteers because we work the administration side of different nonprofits or government agencies that fight against poverty. In return for our work, we do not receive an income but a living stipend (which ironically puts us on the same level of those we serve: poverty).

While making the decision and joining VISTA was easy, it was deciding on where I would serve to be the problem. Would I stay in Milwaukee and be around my friends and the boyfriend I had? Or would I do the smarter decision and move in with my parents and save money? The flip side of moving in with my parents involved me having to move across the country to New Hampshire, a state in which I knew no one and had no friends. I knew I would only be making a very, very small amount of money and I knew I couldn’t afford the rent and utilities in Milwaukee, so I moved in with my parents. Now here, I’m working at both a private school with a huge emphasis on volunteering and a nonprofit that helps keeps students in the public school system on track for college.

But while my experience is very focused on the work that I do, it’s so much more. My placement is part of an umbrella program, so I am connected with other VISTAs in the area. Over the past months I have gotten to know quite a few of them and we’ve become good friends. We have a lot in common off the bat, they know what I’m going through on a daily basis and they’re generally wonderful people. So much so that when my relationship ended (the distance due to my move was just too much) and I missed my friends from college, my new VISTA friends were there for me and got me back on track.

As for the day to day, it differs; I can be busy working on activities for tutoring or meeting with students. Some days I sit at my desk and just work on a database, calling nonprofits about their volunteer opportunities. And, like any job, there are days that I just sit and dink around online.

Moving away from where I had lived for four years was really hard. Losing my relationship in the first couple months was harder, and not having my girlfriends around made it worse. But the friends I have made through VISTA are some of the greatest people I have ever met. We have been put in a situation where we make little to no money and are sometimes doing very tedious work.  We make the most of it and with these friends I am doing so much more with my life than I would have if I had stayed in Milwaukee on my original path. I may have had to make some sacrifices and I may be about as far off the beaten career path as humanly possible, but I love what I do and I feel good doing it.

It’s all even made me reevaluate what I want for my life and figure out just where I want to be when this whole thing is over. Will I continue working in nonprofits? Maybe. Continue on to grad school and get a Masters in Education? Possibly. Follow my dream of seeing the world and teaching abroad? Most definitely.

Being an AmeriCorps*VISTA has pushed me out of my comfort zone and changed who I am for the better.  For all of you college seniors who are unsure of where you want to be next year, I seriously recommend looking into giving back. (Editor’s Note: And here are a few more reasons why!) I know that this is where I am supposed to be for a year and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to find my passion and give back to those who aren’t as fortunate as I have been.

[A special thanks to reader Allison Keough for sharing her story with us. You got a story to share? Email us!]

Photo courtesy of

I love these little white board demos that Austan Goolsbee does on a fairly regular basis. It's such a nice, sane, intelligent version, especially in comparison to some of the bat-$#!% crazy ones we're forced to watch while monitoring Fox News.

In this one, Goolsbee talks up the National Wireless Initiative. I don't know if our generally myopic world view makes the fact that we have such slow internet speeds (compared to other countries) something that is well-known. I suspect not.

But the Obama administration does want to address that and extending internet connectivity to far more people in the hopes of stimulating job growth and thereby, the economy:

As the President explained today, his plan would expand wireless coverage to 98% of Americans, while reducing the deficit by nearly $10 billion by making more government spectrum available:

For our families and our businesses, high-speed wireless service, that’s the next train station; it’s the next off-ramp. It’s how we’ll spark new innovation, new investment, new jobs.

And you know this here in Northern Michigan. That’s why I showed up, in addition to it being pretty and people being nice. (Laughter and applause.) For decades now, this university has given a new laptop to every incoming student. Wi-Fi stretched across campus. But if you lived off-campus, like most students and teachers here, you were largely out of luck. Broadband was often too expensive to afford. And if you lived a bit further out of town, you were completely out of luck, because broadband providers, they often won’t build networks where it’s not profitable, just like they wouldn’t build electrical lines where it wasn’t profitable.

So this university tried something new. You partnered with various companies to build a high-speed, next-generation wireless network. And you managed to install it with six people in only four days without raising tuition. Good job. Good job, Mr. President. (Applause.) By the way, if you give me the name of these six people -- (laughter) -- there’s a whole bunch of stuff in Washington I’d like to see done in four days with six people. (Laughter.)

So today, this is one of America’s most connected universities, and enrollment is near the highest it’s been in 30 years.

And what’s more -- and this is what makes this special -- you told nearby towns that if they allowed you to retrofit their towers with new equipment to expand your network, then their schools, their first responders, their city governments could use it too. And as a result, police officers can access crime databases in their cars. And firefighters can download blueprints on the way to a burning building. And public works officials can save money by monitoring pumps and equipment remotely.

And you’ve created new online learning opportunities for K-12 students as far as 30 miles away, some of whom -- (applause) -- some of whom can’t always make it to school in a place that averages 200 inches of snow a year. (Laughter and applause.) Now, some of these students don’t appreciate the end of school [snow] days. I know Malia and Sasha get really excited about school [snow] days. Of course, in Washington things shut down when there’s an inch of snow. (Laughter.) But this technology is giving them more opportunity. It’s good for their education, it’s good for our economy. In fact, I just came from a demonstration of online learning in action. We were with Professor Lubig and he had plugged in Negaunee High School -- (applause) -- and Powell Township School in Big Bay. (Applause.) So I felt like the guy in Star Trek. I was being beamed around -- (laughter) -- across the Upper Peninsula here. But it was remarkable to see the possibilities for these young people who are able to, let’s say, do a chemistry experiment, and they can compare the results with kids in Boston.

Or if there’s some learning tool or material they don’t have immediately accessible in their school, they can connect here to the university, and they’re able to tap into it.

It’s opening up an entire world to them. And one of the young people who I was talking to, he talked about foreign policy and what we were seeing in places like Egypt. And he said, what’s amazing especially for us is that now we have a window to the entire world, and we can start understanding other cultures and other places in ways that we could never do without this technology.

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Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money on the Internet

In case you weren’t aware, Microsoft and Google aren’t exactly seeing eye-to-eye right now. In fact, they really seem to hate one another in a public manner not normally exposed. So it should be no surprise that the two are also opposed to one another when it comes to their views of web video. Yes, it’s the H.264 versus WebM debate once again. But while Google, Apple, Mozilla, Opera and others have had their say, Microsoft has remained largely quiet. Until today.

Dean Hachamovitch, the man in charge of Internet Explorer for Microsoft, has taken the time to write a nearly 3,000 word piece about the situation today. It’s a long, great post well worth the read. But just in case you can’t make it through the entire post, I’ll summarize it simply: Microsoft is fully behind H.264 as the codec for web video going forward. Why? Because they have just as many reservations about WebM as Google all of a sudden seems to have about H.264.

I had a chance to speak with Hachamovitch last night about his thoughts on the situation. His take is very clear in that he’s confused by Google’s motives to ditch H.264. Specifically, he notes that at one point not too long ago, Microsoft, Apple, and Google all supported H.264 as a codec for HTML5 video on the web. Yes, believe it or not, Microsoft was actually on the side of many of the main players of the web when it came to a future technology. The one major player not on their side was, of course, Mozilla. But Microsoft was happy to make the plug-in to ensure that they supported H.264 for HTML5 video as well.

We had a somewhat stable state in web video,” Hachamovitch says. Then something odd happened.

Google decided to pull their support for H.264 as the web video standard. The reason? The patents controlled by the MPEGLA group scared them. Or something. I’ve made my own thoughts pretty clear on this matter. I think that’s a total red herring. Google is pulling support for H.264 as a tactic in their war with Apple.

At first, they touted the maneuver as being all about supporting “open” formats. But if that’s the case, why not pull support for the Flash plug-in baked into every version of Chrome currently? Further, why not pull H.264 support out of the browser included with Android? The answer is because it’s not about open — it’s actually about control.

Worse, by turning their back on H.264, Google is ensuring that Flash will continue to remain the dominant force in web video for years to come. Flash supports H.264, which is great, but the issue here is that we need the HTML5 standard to fully support H.264, and that’s simply not going to happen without Google on board.

Some would say it wouldn’t anyway because of the potential patent issues. But as Microsoft (like many others) points out, it’s still not clear that the new WebM format also isn’t infringing on any patents. Hachamovitch points to the fact that when the JPEG patents were dug into, everyone from shoe sellers to the Green Bay Packers came out of the woodwork claiming ownership of some part.

Further, Microsoft sees no reason why MPEGLA will all of a sudden go hostile for the sake of making money. “It’s counter to their reason for existence,” Hachamovitch says.

Instead, H.264 has proven to be a format with wide adoption both from a hardware and software perspective. And that, fundamentally, is why Microsoft is backing it, and will continue to back it.

At the same time, they recognize why WebM could be a good format for some level of unification. So they’ve developed plug-ins to allowed both Internet Explorer and Firefox to play videos with that codec within Windows. But again, they just don’t see WebM as the ultimate HTML5 video standard. There are simply too many barriers to entry. And too many unanswered questions about patents.

In other words, Microsoft and Apple seem to see eye-to-eye on this level. And I’m right there with them. WebM sounds great on paper — until you actually read the paper. At that point, you quickly realize that it’s a crapshoot at best, and one that will take several years to go anywhere — if it ever does. And it’s one that could ultimately face the same type of patent questions currently surrounding H.264.

So Microsoft, like Apple, is taking the more sure bet. While it appears Google is once again out of touch with reality. Which is really too bad, because web video needs them.

The Dumbest Creep On The Internet Strikes Again

Home - by BigFurHat - January 24, 2011 - 04:10 UTC - 12 Comments

Matty, Matty, Matty

Sex Offender Blockbusting

Steve Randy Waldmann conveys an interesting money-making possibility from Scott Wentland:

Still, for all the finance and economics I encountered at the conference, Wentland is the only person whose work suggested a way to actually turn a profit. Wentland presented a paper at the conference. I missed the presentation, but read the paper after the fact. It is empirical work very nicely done, and it tweaked the antennae of my inner, amoral arbitrageur. I now think of registered sex offenders as roving Groupons for home flippers. Wentland and his coauthors provide strong evidence that you could make a lot of money persuading an ex-cellmate to move near a nice, four bedroom home in rural Virginia, and then to move away after you’ve bought the home.

Maybe when the real estate market picks up again people will start doing this. Indeed, I sort of hope they do since my impression is that these sex offender databases should probably be done away with and screwing with people’s real estate value seems like the most likely way to make that happen.


I don’t know about any of you, but after sex offender and murderer, progressive is on my list of who I don’t want to live next door to. And there is a database that has these records, it’s called voter rolls. I say we release those so we can make educated choices as to where we live.

ht. angry pancreas

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Experiments In Realtime <b>News</b>: The Eqentia Streams

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

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Experiments In Realtime <b>News</b>: The Eqentia Streams

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

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Experiments In Realtime <b>News</b>: The Eqentia Streams

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

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Experiments In Realtime <b>News</b>: The Eqentia Streams

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

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Experiments In Realtime <b>News</b>: The Eqentia Streams

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

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Experiments In Realtime <b>News</b>: The Eqentia Streams

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

bench craft company reviews

Experiments In Realtime <b>News</b>: The Eqentia Streams

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

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Experiments In Realtime <b>News</b>: The Eqentia Streams

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

bench craft company reviews

Experiments In Realtime <b>News</b>: The Eqentia Streams

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Affiliate Making Money

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The Deadbeat Super Affiliate Course. $37 Lazy, Don't Worry! by den718

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<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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The Deadbeat Super Affiliate Course. $37 Lazy, Don't Worry! by den718

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<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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bench craft company

The Deadbeat Super Affiliate Course. $37 Lazy, Don't Worry! by den718

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bench craft company

<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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There are many reasons why some people don't make money online. I have mentiioned a few below that may help you start getting your share of internet marketing money to get you in the game.

Reason #1: You've Yet To Start

I know a lot of people that want to make money online yet they have yet to make a move. Everyday they complain that they are not making money. When you ask them to show you what they are doing, they hem and haw and can't come up with anything concrete.

The fact remains that if you don't start, you for sure will not make any money. You don't have to read all of the ebooks in the world to start an online business. You don't have to get it perfect at the beginning. Just get it going. Have you started?

Reason #2: You Quit Too Easily

There is no magic solution on the internet. In other words, there is no guarantee that as soon as you start you will be making money.

A lot of people quit because they did not make any money the first day, or first week, or first month. If you're one of those people you need to hang in there and don't expect miracles. With some hard work and perseverence you can eventually build up some business. Just don't stop too soon.

The fact remains that there is money to be made on the internet and if you quit, you will be the loser. Others will keep making money while you moan that it just doesn't work.

Reason #3: You Don't Want To Build A Website

While I agree that you can make some money online without a website, the truth remains that if you want to build a sustainable internet business you need to build a website.

You can create your own unique website complete with your own professional domain name and web hosting account. If you don't know how to build a website you can hire someone who can.

Reason #4: You're Not Building A List

If you're not new to internet marketing you would have heard the statement "the money is in the list". Everywhere you turn you hear marketers say it. You keep hearing it because it is true. Once you build a responsive opt in email list you have a good chance of making some money on the internet. Just send good offers to your list members and watch them pay you money.

Whether you're selling your own products or you are an affiliate, it is very important that you build your list.

These were a few reasons why you might not be making money on the internet. Sometimes it is just lack of technical knowledge or funds to get started. The main thing is to get started and you will learn more and more everyday as you visit the forums and talk to other marketers. Get your feet wet and things will become more clear as you venture further out.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

web internet marketing

bench craft company

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

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bench craft company>

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

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Web design and internet marketing services Kenya by beryluza

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New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

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Web design and internet marketing services Kenya by beryluza

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New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

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Web design and internet marketing services Kenya by beryluza

bench craft company

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

bench craft company

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

bench craft company

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

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bench craft company

Web design and internet marketing services Kenya by beryluza

bench craft company
bench craft company

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

bench craft company

Whether you’re in the process of devising a business plan or making a web site for your business, there are a few things to consider about Internet marketing. There are many ways to advertise your business and unfortunately, not all of them are good. Some things are a waste of money, while others are invaluable. There is a ton of competition for your business on the Internet. People tend to have short attention spans while surfing the web, and because of this you need to do the right things to make your site stand out. Search Engines One of the most popular ways to market your web site is to use search engines or directories. A directory, like Yahoo!, shows websites broken down into categories. A search engine, like Google, is more specific and will show any web page that matches your keyword. With either one, you have to submit your site to them and be approved before you are added. Because of this, you want to make sure you are sending them the best possible site you can make or hire someone to make. If you are rejected it is hard to get your web site reviewed again. Choosing keywords for search engines is extremely important. It’s a competition between you and the thousands of other sites out there offering the same service or product as you. You want to choose the best keywords so your site can be easily found, but you don’t want to be too mainstream or many web sites may pop up on the search engine before yours. There is a program that can help you with this. WordTracker ( is designed to give you other keywords similar to your keyword, it gives an average of how often these keywords are searched and shows how many web sites are using the same keyword. It also lets you know what your target audience is entering into search engines and how many times each keyword has been entered. It offers a misspelling search to help you see what sort of misspellings people use for your keyword. They offer a free trial and seem to be well worth the money after your trial period is up. Some services offer to post your web site on thousands of search engines for a fee. Most of these search engines will not generate many customers for you. Out of 1,000 only about 20-30 are major search engines. Again, ask for testimonials or references from them. A legitimate service like this would run approximately $200 a month. Banner Ads While banner ads can be effective at times, the cost usually outweighs the effect. Most people ignore banner ads that pop up, so in essence you’d be throwing money away. If you still want to use a banner ad, it is vital to make yours as professional as possible. Email Another productive way to market your site is through email. Use your spell check! This is a must. Misspelled words make you look careless and unprofessional. Never use ALL CAPS in the subject heading. This is bothersome to most people, and your email will be deleted before it is even opened. However you choose to promote your business is a direct reflection on you, your product and your service. Don’t get labeled as a spammer. Make the email as professional as you can. At the end of the email be sure to include your name, web site address, email address and any other contact information you wish to give. How do you get potential client’s email addresses you ask? Good question. There are services that offer you email addresses of people targeted toward your product line. These services are usually high priced, but well worth it if you can get customers out of it. Beware of people who offer you over a million email addresses for a low price ($29.99). You have to wonder why they’re offering such a low price and what you’re going to get out of it. You will most likely end up with addresses that are invalid or do not target your specific audience at all. Most importantly, research any service you’re thinking of using. If possible email them and ask for testimonials from previous or current clients. Newsletters Once your site is up and running you can make your own newsletter to send out to potential customers. The best way to do this is to offer your newsletter on your web site and have people fill in their email address. It is also a good gesture to include something at the bottom of your newsletter so they can unsubscribe if they so choose. Your newsletter can go out once a week, bi-weekly, once a month or however often you decide. It is an excellent way to promote new features or items in your business, and to keep in touch with your customers. If you decide to advertise on someone else’s newsletter, be sure to find out how many subscribers they have and see exactly what your advertisement will look like. You also want to read their previous newsletters carefully and check out their web site to make sure you want to be associated with them. Free Advertising A very productive way to get free traffic is using reciprocal links. On your web site build your own link page and add on sites comparable to yours. Email webmasters of these sites and ask if they can add your link to their site. AOL has a classifieds page where you can advertise your business for under $15. Right now AOL members can post their first four ads free of charge. Yahoo! Classifieds are free, and you can post 10 ads at a time. Every couple of days it would be wise to delete your currents ads and replace them. This way you will keep your ads towards the top of the list. One of the greatest methods to attracting customers is giving away things. Provide free articles, links to other sites, free downloads or links to downloadable software and links to necessary tools. This will not only attract customers, but it will keep them lingering on your site.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ..."></a>

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ..."></a>

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ..."></a>

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ... »

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...">buy

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

manage personal finances

U.S. states face so much pressure to fund pensions for public
employees that it could hurt their credit ratings, Moody's Investors
Service said on Thursday.

As concerns grow over the
financial health of many states after the 2007-2009 recession and how
they will cut spending to cope, the ratings agency combined pension and
debt data to rank the liabilities of each state.


the past, Moody's evaluated credit risks from pensions and debt levels
separately. Lower credit ratings could raise the costs to states of
borrowing money.


Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey and Rhode Island, along with
Puerto Rico, have the largest debt-and-pension loads, Moody's found.


Nebraska and South Dakota have the lowest.


and growing debt and pension burdens have been, and will continue to
be, contributing factors in rating changes," Moody's said.


with pensions -- which states have underfunded by at least $700
billion -- include weak returns on investments, not enough money set
aside, impending retirements of "Baby Boomers" born in the late 1940s
through mid-1960s, and Americans living longer, Moody's said.


York, Delaware and California are often cited for large debt burdens
but do not have the highest combined long-term liabilities, Moody's
analyst Ted Hampton said in a statement.


"In general, states'
rankings for debt and pension combined parallel their rankings for debt
alone," Hampton said but he added: "not all states with large debt
burdens also suffer from weak pension funding."




$700 billion underfunded figure is a conservative estimate for how
much money states will need to cover the pension promises they have
made to their employees.


But $3 trillion could be nearer the
mark, one study warned last year. States expect too generous a return
on investments made by their pension funds, said the study by Joshua
Rauh of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.


Regardless of the exact amount, states have to find a way to adequately fund pensions.


and more, it's going to take up a larger share of their ... budgets,"
said Kil Huh, director of research at Pew Center on the States, which
has been closely following the pension issue.


flows from three major sources into pension funds: employee
contributions, the employing governments and investment returns.


contributions have gone down and, at the same time, employer
contributions because of the fiscal crisis haven't been there," Huh

Moody's, too, says the problem is getting bigger.


pension liabilities have grown more rapidly in recent years because of
weaker-than-expected investment results, previous benefit enhancements
and, in some states, failure to pay the full annual required
contribution," the report said.


"Moreover, pension liabilities may be understated because of current governmental accounting standards," it added.


Moody's report "will shed more light upon the states which have
eliminated or underfunded their yearly contributions for pension
liabilities simply as a way to manage their finances," said Thomson
Reuters Senior Market Strategist Daniel Berger.


dramatic solution to the pension problem would be allowing states to
declare bankruptcy, which some congressional Republicans want. Then,
they could renege on pension promises made to employees.


being criticized for missing risks in the housing boom, Moody's is
showing with this report it's "not asleep at the wheel" on the pension
threat, said Richard Larkin, senior vice president and director of
credit analysis at Herbert J Sims & Co. in New York.


But, the
report also showed the liabilities are manageable, he added. For
example, Moody's found Hawaii's pension-and-debt load is equal to 16.2
percent of its gross domestic product, the biggest proportion of all the


Even though the liabilities are in the billions of dollars, "when you compare them to GDP it's still low numbers," Larkin said.


it's still relatively much lower than these problem countries people
keep comparing them to," he said, referring to recent fears that
California or Illinois will soon be plunged into troubles similar to
those Greece or Ireland are facing.

In a separate article, Simone Baribeau of Bloomberg reports, Moody's Says Massachussetts Among States With Highest Debt, Pension Burden:

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

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U.S. states face so much pressure to fund pensions for public
employees that it could hurt their credit ratings, Moody's Investors
Service said on Thursday.

As concerns grow over the
financial health of many states after the 2007-2009 recession and how
they will cut spending to cope, the ratings agency combined pension and
debt data to rank the liabilities of each state.


the past, Moody's evaluated credit risks from pensions and debt levels
separately. Lower credit ratings could raise the costs to states of
borrowing money.


Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey and Rhode Island, along with
Puerto Rico, have the largest debt-and-pension loads, Moody's found.


Nebraska and South Dakota have the lowest.


and growing debt and pension burdens have been, and will continue to
be, contributing factors in rating changes," Moody's said.


with pensions -- which states have underfunded by at least $700
billion -- include weak returns on investments, not enough money set
aside, impending retirements of "Baby Boomers" born in the late 1940s
through mid-1960s, and Americans living longer, Moody's said.


York, Delaware and California are often cited for large debt burdens
but do not have the highest combined long-term liabilities, Moody's
analyst Ted Hampton said in a statement.


"In general, states'
rankings for debt and pension combined parallel their rankings for debt
alone," Hampton said but he added: "not all states with large debt
burdens also suffer from weak pension funding."




$700 billion underfunded figure is a conservative estimate for how
much money states will need to cover the pension promises they have
made to their employees.


But $3 trillion could be nearer the
mark, one study warned last year. States expect too generous a return
on investments made by their pension funds, said the study by Joshua
Rauh of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.


Regardless of the exact amount, states have to find a way to adequately fund pensions.


and more, it's going to take up a larger share of their ... budgets,"
said Kil Huh, director of research at Pew Center on the States, which
has been closely following the pension issue.


flows from three major sources into pension funds: employee
contributions, the employing governments and investment returns.


contributions have gone down and, at the same time, employer
contributions because of the fiscal crisis haven't been there," Huh

Moody's, too, says the problem is getting bigger.


pension liabilities have grown more rapidly in recent years because of
weaker-than-expected investment results, previous benefit enhancements
and, in some states, failure to pay the full annual required
contribution," the report said.


"Moreover, pension liabilities may be understated because of current governmental accounting standards," it added.


Moody's report "will shed more light upon the states which have
eliminated or underfunded their yearly contributions for pension
liabilities simply as a way to manage their finances," said Thomson
Reuters Senior Market Strategist Daniel Berger.


dramatic solution to the pension problem would be allowing states to
declare bankruptcy, which some congressional Republicans want. Then,
they could renege on pension promises made to employees.


being criticized for missing risks in the housing boom, Moody's is
showing with this report it's "not asleep at the wheel" on the pension
threat, said Richard Larkin, senior vice president and director of
credit analysis at Herbert J Sims & Co. in New York.


But, the
report also showed the liabilities are manageable, he added. For
example, Moody's found Hawaii's pension-and-debt load is equal to 16.2
percent of its gross domestic product, the biggest proportion of all the


Even though the liabilities are in the billions of dollars, "when you compare them to GDP it's still low numbers," Larkin said.


it's still relatively much lower than these problem countries people
keep comparing them to," he said, referring to recent fears that
California or Illinois will soon be plunged into troubles similar to
those Greece or Ireland are facing.

In a separate article, Simone Baribeau of Bloomberg reports, Moody's Says Massachussetts Among States With Highest Debt, Pension Burden:

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

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U.S. states face so much pressure to fund pensions for public
employees that it could hurt their credit ratings, Moody's Investors
Service said on Thursday.

As concerns grow over the
financial health of many states after the 2007-2009 recession and how
they will cut spending to cope, the ratings agency combined pension and
debt data to rank the liabilities of each state.


the past, Moody's evaluated credit risks from pensions and debt levels
separately. Lower credit ratings could raise the costs to states of
borrowing money.


Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey and Rhode Island, along with
Puerto Rico, have the largest debt-and-pension loads, Moody's found.


Nebraska and South Dakota have the lowest.


and growing debt and pension burdens have been, and will continue to
be, contributing factors in rating changes," Moody's said.


with pensions -- which states have underfunded by at least $700
billion -- include weak returns on investments, not enough money set
aside, impending retirements of "Baby Boomers" born in the late 1940s
through mid-1960s, and Americans living longer, Moody's said.


York, Delaware and California are often cited for large debt burdens
but do not have the highest combined long-term liabilities, Moody's
analyst Ted Hampton said in a statement.


"In general, states'
rankings for debt and pension combined parallel their rankings for debt
alone," Hampton said but he added: "not all states with large debt
burdens also suffer from weak pension funding."




$700 billion underfunded figure is a conservative estimate for how
much money states will need to cover the pension promises they have
made to their employees.


But $3 trillion could be nearer the
mark, one study warned last year. States expect too generous a return
on investments made by their pension funds, said the study by Joshua
Rauh of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.


Regardless of the exact amount, states have to find a way to adequately fund pensions.


and more, it's going to take up a larger share of their ... budgets,"
said Kil Huh, director of research at Pew Center on the States, which
has been closely following the pension issue.


flows from three major sources into pension funds: employee
contributions, the employing governments and investment returns.


contributions have gone down and, at the same time, employer
contributions because of the fiscal crisis haven't been there," Huh

Moody's, too, says the problem is getting bigger.


pension liabilities have grown more rapidly in recent years because of
weaker-than-expected investment results, previous benefit enhancements
and, in some states, failure to pay the full annual required
contribution," the report said.


"Moreover, pension liabilities may be understated because of current governmental accounting standards," it added.


Moody's report "will shed more light upon the states which have
eliminated or underfunded their yearly contributions for pension
liabilities simply as a way to manage their finances," said Thomson
Reuters Senior Market Strategist Daniel Berger.


dramatic solution to the pension problem would be allowing states to
declare bankruptcy, which some congressional Republicans want. Then,
they could renege on pension promises made to employees.


being criticized for missing risks in the housing boom, Moody's is
showing with this report it's "not asleep at the wheel" on the pension
threat, said Richard Larkin, senior vice president and director of
credit analysis at Herbert J Sims & Co. in New York.


But, the
report also showed the liabilities are manageable, he added. For
example, Moody's found Hawaii's pension-and-debt load is equal to 16.2
percent of its gross domestic product, the biggest proportion of all the


Even though the liabilities are in the billions of dollars, "when you compare them to GDP it's still low numbers," Larkin said.


it's still relatively much lower than these problem countries people
keep comparing them to," he said, referring to recent fears that
California or Illinois will soon be plunged into troubles similar to
those Greece or Ireland are facing.

In a separate article, Simone Baribeau of Bloomberg reports, Moody's Says Massachussetts Among States With Highest Debt, Pension Burden:

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

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There are many great reasons to hire an accountant to help you manage your finances. Yes, you can do your taxes by yourself. But you might not be aware of all of the different "perks" that are available to you as a taxpayer. Here's a list of ways a personal accountant can help you out, not just with your tax return but year-round as well. This is one of the best ways to master that sticky issue of personal finance.

Accountants are not cheap. In the San Francisco area, for example, a good one will charge approximately $250 to calculate an individual tax return. But having a tax expert look at your financial situation will more than pay for itself in the long run, and it may be the best $250 you've ever spent. Look for a certified public accountant (CPA), and even better, a CPA who is also a tax attorney. A tax attorney is certified to appear before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on your behalf, and can advise you if you're being audited or if you have a lien on your paycheck. It never hurts to have some decent firepower in your corner when you're facing the IRS. In fact, if you owe back taxes to the IRS or to the state, you should call one right now.

10. The tax laws change frequently, and it's too much to keep up with on your own, even if your background is in finance. Accountants keep up with them and are aware of all of the new tax benefits available to taxpayers.

9. An accountant can give you an overview of your financial situation. If you're living paycheck to paycheck and have a lot of debt, your accountant will sound a warning bell and present you with an array of options on how to reduce your debt.

8. An accountant can teach you how to improve your credit rating. Accountants know all kinds of slick ways to do this. It's not as obvious as you may think. And credit ratings are routinely pulled by human resources departments, lending institutions and landlords, so it's something you want to keep an eye on.

7. An accountant can perform an analysis of your investment portfolio. If you're thinking of purchasing property, an accountant can advise you on what you can comfortably afford to spend, and the most suitable type of mortgage for your real estate investment. Accountants are not typically financial planners, but they will sound an alarm when you're about to do something that might come back to haunt you later.

6. If you're facing a potential change in tax status (i.e., before you get married, divorced, widowed, have kids, or retire), you are in for a big change. Your accountant can give you a reliable prediction on how much more (or less) you will be paying in taxes before your tax status actually changes.

5. If you decide to venture outside the world of cubicle employment, either to work as an independent contractor or start your own business, your accountant can make the transition easier for you by advising how to stay within the limits of what the IRS will allow.

4. If you change jobs, your new job(s) may not be withholding the right amount from your paycheck. In this case, your accountant would ask you to forward the pay stub from your first paycheck to make sure your boss is withholding the right amount. If you don't do this, you could be on the hook for thousands in back taxes to the IRS. It's definitely worth keeping an eye on. Don't expect your place of employment to do this for you - that's too much to ask, and you'll make enemies in the Payroll Department.

3. An accountant can help you save money. Look at it this way - your accountant probably knows more about you than even your mother at this point! He or she can help you devise strategies to hide money from yourself, such as automatic payroll deductions into a brokerage or savings account, or over-withholding on your pay. An accountant can also help you to become wealthy. One of the reasons rich people have so much money is because they know the "ins and outs" of the tax system and have skilled professionals to help them make educated decisions. You should, too.

2. An accountant is the one person who will not lie to you about your finances. If you complain to your best friend or your sibling about having $5,000 in credit card debt, they will probably say, "so? I owe $15,000 on my cards. $5,000 isn't that much. Stop complaining." An accountant will say, "get rid of the plastic and pay off that debt - now." They are obligated by law to act with integrity and professionalism, and you can count on them to do so.

1. An accountant can educate you on general concepts pertaining to personal finance.

The best way to hire a personal accountant is to ask around. You might not find one you like right away. You should hire one who can explain complicated concepts to you in language you can understand. One thing you should not do is have one of those monolithic tax preparation companies prepare your returns for you. Many of them are not skilled at handling complicated tax issues and they might really mess you up. And please don't hire anyone who advertises on TV. Make sure you're working with a credentialed, experienced professional, and then you'll have solid advice on which to rely.


Personal experience

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

big seminar 14

Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

The most beautiful article I ever read on Arab News. Indeed Jeddawis are known for their hospitality. In 26th Jan 2011 floods, I have seen many people rescuing victims,they did whatever they could do, but police was busy in their jeeps ...

And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

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